How Long Do Axolotls Live (Are They Easy to Pet?)

how long do axolotls live

Axolotls are rare sea creatures, pronounced as ak·suh·laa·tls. They are also known as the “Mexican walking fish.” One thing that most people get confused about Axolotls is how long they live for and whether they are easy to pet.

Read on to understand the lifespan of Axolotls and whether or not, they make good pets.  Here is a summary; 

On average, an axolotl has a lifespan of 10 to 15 years.

Axolotls tend to live longer in captivity than in the wild.

About Axolotls

Despite their reference as walking fish, axolotls are amphibians, specifically salamanders that commonly reside in aquatic environments

Axolotls can regenerate missing body parts. Unlike some amphibians who can regenerate missing limbs and tails, the axolotl can regenerate skin, spinal cord, and jaws.

Scientists have however found out that after the fifth time regenerating limbs, few of them could regrow to their previous potential. [1]

Axolotls are stuck with their baby features for an entire lifetime. Neotenic in nature, these creatures become mature without losing their larval stage body features. For instance, axolotls do not develop teeth causing them to consume food through suction.

Axolotls are originally only native to two lakes in Mexico: Lake Chalco and Lake Xochimilco. Lake Chalco was subsequently drained to reduce flooding making the axolotls native to only one location in the entire world. This explains why the axolotl is so rare.

How Long Do Axolotls Live?

The axolotls are relatively long-living amphibians with a lifespan of 10 to 15 years on average. Their lifespan is hugely dependent on whether they exist in the wild or in captivity, as we shall see below.

1. How long do Axolotls live in captivity

Axolotls in captivity have an average lifespan of 20 years dependent on a number of factors such as tank conditions and the quality of care they receive from their owners.

Axolotls lifespan in captivity/as pets can be increased by ensuring they are living in good tank conditions and that they feed on a healthy diet. Ideal tank conditions include a tank of dechlorinated water of temperatures 60-64 Fahrenheit and a pH level of 7.4-7.6.

Because of their carnivorous nature, axolotls thrive on consuming meaty foods consisting of small aquatic animals such as worms, snails, small fish, and insects. They, however, do not require feed regularly. Every 2 to 3 days works fine to avoid constipation.

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2. How long do Axolotls live out of water

Due to their neotenic nature, axolotls do not have developed lungs and therefore use their gills. As such, it is hard for axolotls to breathe above water.

Although each axolotl is different, most generally cannot survive outside water for more than a few hours. It is believed that their health becomes negatively affected minutes after they are left out of water.

Apart from their inability to breathe, axolotls have a protective covering that protects them from bacteria and viruses. When out of water this covering dries up reducing their protection effectiveness.

3. How long do Axolotls live in the wild

Axolotls living in the wild have a lifespan of 10 to 15 years.

One main reason for their diminished lifespan is the presence of predators in their natural environment mainly birds such as storks, and herons but also large fish such as tilapia.

Unfortunately, axolotls do not have a well-established defense mechanism only relying on their speed to enable them to escape from their predators.

Apart from predators, axolotls are impacted by urbanization and pollution of lakes, which affect their main habitat. The draining of Lake Chalco for instance drastically reduced their habitat and as such threatened their survival.

Related article: How long Do Goldfish live?

Are Axolotls hard to take care of?

Generally, axolotls are easy to take care of since they can adapt to living in a range of water conditions. It is, however, recommended that they reside in cooler temperature waters. Axolotls generally require a lot of freshwater to swim in approximately in a 15 to 20-gallon aquarium.

Additionally, they also grow to be very long approximately 12 inches long making a large-sized aquarium ideal. They are also required to have places to hide in the aquarium which can be provided by sand, rocks, and plants.

Some states in the United States have prohibited the keeping of axolotls as pets. These creatures are endangered species and excessive capturing of axolotls can cause harm on the animal`s ecosystem. [2]

Axolotls are known to generally have an entertaining personality becoming more active whenever they sense they are being watched. For this reason, they are becoming popular pets.

how long do axolotls live

They are also relatively docile except when cohabiting with other creatures. Even with their fellow axolotls, it is likely that they will have a fight that can turn to be fatal.

An axolotl would be a good pet choice if you as the owner can come to terms with the fact that they would have minimum contact. As long as you are willing to maintain the right living conditions, axolotls are generally easy to take care of. They are also relatively cheaper to purchase than most pets.

Axolotls are a unique choice for a pet, though they are becoming increasingly popular. Before you decide to keep one, ensure it is legal in your state and second, I recommend watching this video on Axolotls care.

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