How Long Do Parakeets Live (Do They Make Good Pets?)

How Long Do Parakeets Live?

Have you been thinking of a pet bird? Then probably the question of how long do parakeets live is one that has crossed your mind. Parakeets are friendly, affectionate and enjoy socializing. If you show them love, they will return the favor.

Average lifespan of a parakeet:                                     

Parakeets generally live for 5 – 8 years as pets

In the wild, Parakeets can live for 10 – 15 years

To fully answer questions about the average lifespan of parakeets, we will focus on the following:

  • Interesting facts about parakeets
  • How long do Blue and Bourke parakeets live?   
  • Do parakeets make good pets?    
  • How long do parakeets live as pets?
  • How to pet a parakeet        

Interesting Facts About Parakeets

Parakeets is a term used to describe any type of small sized parrot with long tail feathers and a slender build.

The name Parakeet is mostly used in the US, they are also known as budgies or budgerigars to the rest of the world.

These birds can talk and the males tend to have a larger vocabulary than females. They can speak up to a 1000 words.

Interestingly, Parakeets have a complex sleep structure which is similar to that of mammals. [1]

According to the Guinness Book of Records, the oldest living Parakeet (budgie) was Charlie who lived for 29 years and 2 months.

How Long Do Parakeets Live?

Parakeets have a lifespan of 5- 8 years in captivity and a lifespan of 10 – 15 years in the wild.                                  

They live longer in the wild because of exercise and diet. In the wild, they are in charge of their diet which comes naturally, unlike in captivity where they are fed.

How long these birds live as pets entirely depends on the owners through the care they accord to the pets.

How long do Parakeets live

The Parakeet’s lifespan is reduced when they are not given a proper diet. Their diet should be a high quality comprising of birdseed mix and pellets. Fresh fruits and vegetables are also an important part of their diet.

They also enjoy feeding on leafy greens, apples, melon, carrots, broccoli, pineapple and tomato fruit.

Parakeets shouldn’t be fed on caffeinated or carbonated beverages as this make them sick and could be fatal. [2]

How Long Do Blue Parakeets Live?                                              

Blue Parakeets can live for 7 to 10 years. This is when they have good care (good nutrition and living in a happy, loving home). A good diet supports a long and healthy life for these birds.

When they are happy and amused, blue parakeets will sing and talk to you. They mimic words, and phrases they have heard said around them.

How Long Do Bourke Parakeets Live?

Bourke Parakeets are a rare breed of parakeets. They are known for their cuddly personalities and beautiful looks. They are known to be adorable and gentle.

Their lifespan is around 5 to 8 years as pets. They have a shorter lifespan in the wild.

They make good pets and like to be hand-fed like babies which makes them happy as they bond with their owner during the feeding sessions.

Compared to other parrot species, they are mellow and quiet but also very intelligent. They love companionship and like to ride on humans’ shoulders.

Bourke Parakeets enjoy flying around. If you consider getting them as pets, you should think about their flying space.

How Long Do Parakeets Live as Pets?

On average, Parakeets live for 7 years as pets.

They tend to be active and full of energy until they reach the age of 7 years. Thereafter, they begin to slow down. During this old age period, they are more prone to age related disorders such as arthritis.

Parakeets can start breeding from 6 months; however, it is best until 12 months when they are fully mature.

Ageing parakeets have slower movements and are less active. They then begin showing signs of distress when it gets too cold which makes them take long to recover after shedding old feathers.

Older parakeets should be looked after more carefully and shouldn’t be exposed to low temperatures. They should also be given nutritional supplements to aid in their strength.

Do Parakeets Make Good Pets?

Introducing a new pet into your family can be intimidating yet a very rewarding experience. You must be wondering if a Parakeet will make a good pet for your family. Here are some pointers that will help you in your decision.

  • Parakeets are friendly and enjoy socializing with human beings. They are loving birds and they crave the attention of their owners.
  • They do not occupy a large space; hence, they make wonderful pets for families living in small homes and apartments.
  • These birdies can comfortably live in smaller cages due to their small size. They like to move around in their cage freely and love to play with toys.
  • Due to their small size, Parakeets are easier to transport, hence you can travel with them.
  • Are they messy? Parakeets produce less mess than the larger species of birds, this makes their cages and surrounding environment easy to clean and maintain.
  • Parakeets have a relatively low appetite and tend to eat less than larger parrots. This means that you save on food, and makes them affordable to have.

These medium sized birds are naturally affectionate and have a playful disposition. They are fun to be with and around.

So, do Parakeets make a good pet? Yes, they can be good pets as they are friendly and enjoy human company. If the above factors favor you, definitely consider them for a pet.

Watch this video to learn how to take good care of your Parakeet.

How to Pet a Parakeet        

1. Get a suitable cage

You first need to get a suitable cage for your bird. The cage shouldn’t be too small since you do not want your Parakeet feeling constricted and unable to move comfortably or spread their wings around the cage.

The bird’s cage is their home and they need to feel safe, comfortable and have room to grow. Parakeets feel safer when they are perched higher, hence, your cage should be at a high level.

While petting a Parakeet, you need to enjoy the cheerfulness and the fun your parakeet brings into your home. This is what makes them popular as pets, anyway.

2. Train your Parakeet

Parakeets can be trained to socialize with humans when young. To train your pet, you need to set aside some time during the day to hang out with them. They naturally whistle and chirp, but with extra practice can learn a few words and phrases.

If you have no time to devote to your birdie every day, you should consider getting two or more to keep each other company. Parakeets thrive when they have regular companionship.

3. Look after their health

It’s worth noting that these birds have fragile health. They easily get sick with temperature variations and require exercise and a good diet to remain healthy and ward off illness.

4. Play with them

They require you to socialize with them. This means creating time for your pet. They are happier when they have company.


Is the parakeet the right parrot for you? This depends on your current lifestyle and how much time you are willing to invest into raising and bonding with your new companion.  If you are looking for a small sized, fun-loving parrot, a parakeet would be a perfect fit. 

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