How Long Do Turtles Live (Longevity at Best?)

How Long Do Turtles Live?

Turtles have existed for over 200 million years. Can you believe they lived in the dinosaur era? We see these creatures move slowly, pop their heads out occasionally, but have you ever wondered how long turtles live for?

Here is a summary on the average lifespan of Turtles;

  • Turtles can live for more than 100 years in the wild. There has been a record of Harriet the Turtle who died at the age of 175.
  • Pet turtles live between 30 to 40 years.
  • Box turtles usually live for an average of 50 years.

Did you know that the turtle shell is part of its skeleton? It’s made of 60 different bones with nerves and blood supply. So we may think that the turtle shell makes it bulletproof but we are wrong as they do feel pain in case of any injury.

How Long Do Turtles Live?

Turtles can live up to 100 years in the wild. Some turtles could live longer than this.

Pet turtles on the other hand live between 30 to 40 years. Compared to other reptiles on the planet, turtles have the highest recorded lifespan.

The life expectancy of turtles largely depends on the species. Here is a breakdown by species:

Average Lifespan of Turtles in the wild
Sea Turtles100 years or more
Box TurtleUp to 50 years
Painted Turtles25 to 30 years
Red Eared Slider Turtle40 to 50 years
Alligator Snapping Turtles80 to 120 years in the wild
Galapagos Turtles100 years or more
Yellow Belly Turtles20 to 30 years

Some of the factors that affect the lifespan of turtles include:

  • Temperature. They require temperatures that are both warm and cold to survive properly.
  • Diet. To increase the lifespan of turtles, they need a balanced diet of both vegetables and aquatic food.

Let us dive into some turtle species lifespans below.

1. How Long Do Sea Turtles Live?

Sea turtles have an average lifespan of 100 years. Some live for less and others more than this. Let us have a look at some examples of sea turtles’ lifespans below:

  • Loggerhead – Has an average lifespan of 47 to 67 years.
  • Ridley sea turtles – Has been known to live for up to 50 years
  • Hawksbill – Live for 30 to 50 years
  • Green sea turtle – Has an average lifespan of 80 or more years
  • Flatback –Known to live for 80  or more years

Most of the sea turtle species have gone extinct. The remaining ones left are endangered hence need protection.

Related articles: The lifespan of Whales and Sharks

2. Average Lifespan of a Box Turtle

Box turtles live for an average of 50 years.

In rare cases they can reach 100 years. They are very prone to diseases that reduce their lifespan significantly. Other factors which affect the life expectancy of box turtles are bacterial infections, dehydration, respiratory disorders, organ failure, and fungal infections.

It’s very crucial to pay attention to your box turtle to ensure they are not infected. Ensure they have a proper diet and suitable habitat as well.

3. How Long Do Painted Turtles Live?

Painted turtles have an average life expectancy of 25 to 30 years.

They are omnivores meaning they enjoy a balanced diet of meat and vegetables. Their name comes from the ornate shell markings they have. Painted turtles in the wild can live longer even over 50 years old.

They are not suitable as pets for homes with small children and people with weak immune systems. This is because most reptiles including turtles carry salmonella. Salmonella is easily transmitted to humans if you do not wash your hands after handling turtles.

4. How Long Do Red Eared Slider Turtle Live?

The average lifespan of a Red Eared Slider Turtle is 40 to 50 years in captivity and only 20 to 30 years in the wild.

This means they have a shorter lifespan when living in the wild. When in the wild, they have to compete for food and fight off predators as well. They are usually attacked by predators such as snakes, crows, raccoons, opossums, and dogs.

Most are seriously injured during fights which prove to be very fatal. This dramatically decreases their lifespan.

5. Average Lifespan of Alligator Snapping Turtles

The alligator snapping turtle lives for 80 to 120 years in the wild and 20 to 70 years when in captivity.

It is of the largest freshwater turtles and is mostly referred to as the dinosaur of the turtle world. [2]

Their name comes from the method of hunting used which is to lure the prey with its tongue. Curious frogs and fish are easily snatched and eaten when they get close enough to the tongue. How dangerous is that!

6. How Long Do Galapagos Turtles Live?


The Galapagos Turtle can live for over 100 years. The have the longest lifespan.

There is a record of a Galapagos turtle that lived to be 175 years of age. That is truly fascinating. They are known to grow quite big and weigh up to 417 kg.

A fun fact about these creatures is they can go for a whole year without eating. Can you survive even for a day or two without food?

Unfortunately, they are endangered as they are constantly hunted for their meat.

7. How Long Do Yellow Belly Turtles Live?

The yellow belly turtles have an average lifespan of 20 to 30 years.

Although some have reached the ripe age of 40! They are mainly protected by their shell in the wild.

Ultimately it is also their weakness as they get a weak immune system. They are more vulnerable to infections such as Mycoplasmosis and shell rot which reduce their lifespan.

How Long Do Pet Turtles Live?

Pet turtles live between 30 to 40 years.

They usually outlive other pets such as cats and dogs by decades. Pet turtles’ lifespan depends on environment, species, and diet. It’s believed that turtles have a long lifespan due to their slow metabolism rate. We may see them as very slow by how they walk and behave but this has been an answer to why they age slowly.

They can live for long without food and water due to their slow metabolism rate. [1]

The rate of aging and getting any diseases is slower than the other animals. If you decide to get a pet turtle you should never let it into the wild. Pet turtles cannot survive in the wild. Turtles that are kept as pets cannot adapt to the harsh wild environment.

Some pet turtles may not be native to your local area hence cannot interbreed with the wild turtle species. Pet turtles also carry certain types of diseases that may harm the wild turtle population.

How Can I Make My Pet Turtle Live Longer?

The main thing to consider when choosing the turtle as a pet is the species. This will help you know its diet and healthcare plan easily. Choose proper housing from your cute turtle, and ensure it has plenty of clean water. Ensure the temperature and lighting are adequate.

Finally provide a diverse diet of vegetables and meats as turtles are omnivorous.

Turtles are known to be lifelong companions and make amazing pets with proper care and attention. Before you go, here is a very educative video on Turtles, make sure you watch it before you decide to get a pet Turtle.

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