Despite the notion that goldfish have a 3-second memory, these fish actually have the ability to remember things for close to five months. If you are thinking of keeping one as a pet, then understanding how long your goldfish will live is very important. In this article we will tell you all about it.
Here is a summary.
Average lifespan of a goldfish;
- On average, goldfish can live for 10 to 15 years
- In a tank, goldfish live for 4 to 10 years
- Goldfish live for an average of 2 to 3 years in a fishbowl
- Pond goldfish have a higher life expectancy. They can live up to 20 years in ponds.
About the Goldfish
Goldfish are known for their attractive bright colors and are mostly kept for decorative purposes.
They originate from temperate climates. In the wild, they live in cool streams, lakes and ponds and are mainly found in Asia and Eastern Europe.
There are many varieties of goldfish with different shapes and colors. This is as a result of selective breeding conducted by humans.
While selective breeding has created a diversity of different types of goldfish, it has also resulted in questionable welfare consequences as stated by the Universities Federation for Animal Welfare. For instance, the ‘celestial eye’ goldfish having been selected to look upwards only is without a doubt an insult to the sensory capacity of the goldfish. [1]
Goldfish live, sleep and even die with their eyes open. They do not have eyelids.
Goldfish are trainable as they have a sense of routine and can be taught small tricks such as swimming through hoops. This negates the idea that they are a –‘not-so-smart’ fish. In fact, they are intelligent than most people believe.
These fish will often notice the person who feeds and cares for them each day and will get excited to see them. [2]
How Long Do Goldfish Live?
Goldfish can live for about 10 to 15 years with some breeds living up to 30 years with proper care.
Whereas their life expectancy is known to be 10 to 15 years, there’s a pet goldfish that lived for 43 years. An estimate of 25 years is therefore a sensible maximum lifespan for a goldfish in a pond, 10 years for that in an aquarium and way shorter for those in the wild.
Goldfish can live in the wild in streams, in fish tank, pond or bowls. Their lifespan varies in each of these environments. Let’s take a look below.
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How Long Do Goldfish Live in a Bowl?

Goldfish live for about 2 to 3 years in a bowl.
Fishbowls are not very ideal for goldfish and most experts have discouraged against keeping them in a fishbowl. This is because the bowl provides a very confined space which is not suitable for goldfish. In such an environment, the lifespan of goldfish is shorter than in ponds and tanks.
In bowls the growth and development of the fish is stunted and the restricted swimming space can cause stress and anxiety in the fish thus results in potential disease and health problems in the fish.
On top of that, bowls lack the proper filtration required to sustain the appropriate habitat. Goldfish are generally messy and excrete a lot thus in a bowl there are higher chances of ammonia poisoning and eventual premature death.
See how you can help your goldfish live longer by keeping ammonia away.
How Long Do Goldfish Live in a Tank?
In a tank, goldfish can live for up to 4 to 10 years.
While bowls are generally not considered very safe, tanks are more less the same thing only bigger.
The appropriate tank size should be 20 gallons or larger so as to provide enough swimming space for the fish to explore. Also, a larger tank allows for proper filtration and highly oxygenated water.
Ample swimming and exploration space contributes a lot to the general well-being of the fish as it stimulates the fish and makes them happy. Happy and healthy fish equals to a longer lifespan.
How Long Do Goldfish Live in a Pond?
In ponds, goldfish can live up to 20 years.
Goldfish in a pond have a higher life expectancy. This is because in ponds it is way easier to replicate the natural habitat of the fish.
As compared to large indoor aquariums, ponds are better at ensuring there is adequate natural light and the seasonal variations can be replicated and monitored.
Average Lifespan of Goldfish by Breed
1. Box Comet
The average lifespan of a box comet goldfish is 4 to 14 years. This fish is very hardy and if well taken care of can live longer. They are excellent for beginners as they do not require much attention, they can tolerate less than the ideal water quality.
2. Fancy Goldfish

Fancy Goldfish can live for 5 to 10 years.
As the name suggests this type of goldfish are a unique and glamorous add to one’s aquarium. They are not only aesthetic but are also easy to care for as they do not have any special requirements.
3. Black Moor Goldfish
The Black Moor Goldfish can live for 10 to 15 years with proper care.
They are also called the black telescopes. This type of goldfish has poor eyesight which makes it harder to care for.
They have a higher than usual need for tank maintenance which is why they need a knowledgeable and skilled human friend so as to thrive and flaunt their unique nature.
4. Fantail Goldfish
The Fantail has an egg-shaped body with a high dorsal fin and long quadruple caudal fin. This fish is quite sensitive and requires top-notch care. The lifespan of the Fantail is between 5 to 10 years. [3]
5. Feeder Goldfish
The Feeder goldfish are the young Comet goldfish and are commonly available for outdoor ponds. Their average lifespan is 15 years but can live up to 30 to 40 years provided they are well taken care of.
These fish are quite hardy and very adaptive. Most survive poor environments as they build tolerance and a stronger immune system.
6. Oranda Goldfish
This type if known for its prominent bubble-like hood on the head. The Oranda can live for 15-25 years.
They are not easy to care for but are definitely worth it as they are the most exciting and beautiful aquarium fish. They are intriguing goldfish to watch as they swim around their habitat.
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How to Make your Goldfish Live Longer?
To prolong the life of a goldfish, here is what you need to do:
- Avoid keeping them in a bowl, bowls are small and prone to ammonia poisoning.
- Keep them in a tank that is large enough, 20 gallons and above.
- Always monitor the habitat conditions, the water quality must always be well oxygenated. Invest in a good filtration system. The tank must be cleaned every 2 weeks.
- Feed them a healthy diet. A good omnivore diet can even make the fish brighter, vibrant and more colourful.
- As they grow, consider keeping them in a pond. The best thing one can do for their goldfish is to keep them in a pond. They create the best habitat and are easier to replicate the natural home of goldfish.
Goldfish are a beautiful pet to keep but as compared to other pets requires specialized care and is not ideal for first time pet owners. A goldfish parent must be very handy and dedicated to caring for the pet.
Apparently, some people believe goldfish to be good luck charms. In China, goldfish are given as gifts to symbolize a couple’s happiness and wealth. Next time you visit a friend who loves fish, maybe a goldfish would be a perfect fit for them!
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