Ever wondered how many types of turtles there are on this planet? What about their classification?
In this article we will explore all the types of turtles in their respective classification. We will tell you about the turtle families and list all the turtle species.
Types of Turtles
Different types of turtles include:
- Pig-nosed turtles
- Pond turtles
- Leatherback turtles
- box turtles
- sea turtles
- Musk turtles
- Tortoises
- Soft-shelled turtles
- River turtles
- Snapping turtles
- South American side-necked turtles
There are 14 turtle families and about 351 species of turtles. We’ve talked about each of the turtle families here
Types of Turtles Chart

What are the 14 Turtle Families?
Here is a table showing all the 14 turtle families: [1]
# | Turtle Family | Description |
1 | Carettochelyidae (Pitted-shelled Turtles also known as the pig-nosed turtles or the Fly River turtles) | They have large bodies and a nose that looks similar to that of a pig, giving them their common name. |
2 | Chelidae (Austro-American Side-necked Turtles/ Common Snake-necked Turtles) | They have necks that are so long that they fold sideways under their shells. |
3 | Cheloniidae (Sea turtles) | Sea turtles have adapted features for ocean life such as large flippers, and streamlined bodies. |
4 | Chelydridae (Snapping turtles) | The snapping turtles are very aggressive. Their name comes from the method of biting they use on their prey. |
5 | Dermatemydidae (The River Turtles) | As their name suggests river turtles mainly inhabit freshwater rivers, ponds, and streams. |
6 | Dermochelyidae (Leatherback turtles) | They are characterized by large paddle-like flippers which have no claws, and the absence of scutes on their skins. |
7 | Emydidae (Pond turtles, terrapins, and sliders.) | These turtles are easy to care for hence make the best pets. |
8 | Geoemydidae (Asian leaf turtles, Asian box turtles, and roofed turtles) | Some are highly aquatic, showing up on land periodically to lay eggs. Other species are entirely terrestrial. |
9 | Kinosternidae (Mud and musk turtles) | These turtles are generally small turtles. Their name stems from the pungent musk they produce |
10 | Pelomedusidae (Afro-American side-necked turtles) | These turtles usually fold their necks sideways rather than pulling them back straight into the shells. |
11 | Platysternidae (The big-headed turtles) | As the name suggests, these turtles have a head that is disproportionately large compared to their small bodies. |
12 | Podocnemididae (The big-headed Amazon River turtle, Madagascar big-headed turtles, and the South American side-neck river turtles) | There turtles have a pelvis is attached to the shell preventing them from any pelvic motion. |
13 | Testudinidae (Tortoises) | Tortoises are exclusively land-dwelling. They are strictly herbivorous feeding mostly on weeds, grasses flowers, and fruits. |
14 | Trionychidae (Softshell turtles) | Soft shell turtles have shells that lack scutes making them very mobile in water. |
Related articles:
Turtles Species
According to the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS), [2] the turtle order: Testudines (or Chelonia) is split into two suborders: (i) Cryptodira and (ii) Pleurodira, and further split into 14 families, 75 genera and about 351 species listed below.
Here is a database of both the scientific and common names of all types of turtles (351 turtle species)
Types of Turtles: 20/351 Turtle Species
Scientific Name | Common Name |
Chelydra serpentine | Common Snapping turtle |
Macrochelys temminckii | Alligator snapping turtle |
Caretta caretta | Loggerhead sea turtle |
Eretmochelys imbricata | Hawksbill sea turtle |
Chelonia Mydas | Green sea turtle |
Lepidochelys olivacea | Olive Ridley sea turtle |
Lepidochelys kempii | Kemp’s Ridley Sea turtle |
Dermochelys coriacea | Leatherback Sea turtle |
Natator depressus | Flatback sea turtle |
Platysternon megacephalum | Big headed turtle |
Clemmys guttata | Spotted turtle |
Emys orbicularis | European pond turtle |
Emys blandingii | Blanding’s turtle |
Glyptemys muhlenbergii | Bog turtle |
Emys marmorata | Western Pond turtle |
Emys trinacris | Sicilian Pond turtle |
Terrapene Carolina | Common box turtle |
Glyptemys insculpta | Wood turtle |
Terrapene ornate | Ornate box turtle |
Terrapene Coahuila | Coahuilan box turtle |
Types of Turtles: 21-40/ 351 Turtle Species
Scientific Name | Common Name |
Chrysemys picta | Painted turtle |
Terrapene nelson | Spotted box turtle |
Graptemys pulchra | Alabama map turtle |
Deirochelys reticularia | Chicken turtle |
Graptemys barbouri | Barbour’s map turtle |
Graptemys pseudogeographica | False map turtle |
Acanthochelys pallidipectoris | Chaco swamp turtle |
Graptemys nigrinoda | Black-knobbed map turtle |
Graptemys ernsti | Escambia map turtle |
Graptemys caglei | Cagle’s map turtle |
Graptemys ouachitensis | Ouachita map turtle |
Graptemys geographica | Northern map turtle |
Graptemys oculifera | Ringed map turtle |
Graptemys gibbonsi | Pascagoula map turtle |
Graptemys versa | Texas map turtle |
Graptemys pearlensis | Pearl River map turtle |
Graptemys flavimaculata | Yellow-blotched map turtle |
Pseudemys alabamensis | Alabama red-bellied Cooter |
Malaclemys terrapin | Diamondback terrapin |
Pseudemys rubriventris | Northern red-bellied Cooter |
Types of Turtles: 41-60/ 351 Turtle Species
Scientific Name | Common Name |
Pseudemys nelsoni | Florida red-bellied Cooter |
Pseudemys gorzugi | Rio Grande Cooter |
Pseudemys peninsularis | Peninsula Cooter |
Pseudemys concinna | River Cooter |
Pseudemys texana | Texas River Cooter |
Trachemys scripta | Pond slider |
Trachemys nebulosi | Baja California slider |
Trachemys gaigeae | Big bend slider |
Trachemys stejnegeri | Central Antillean slider |
Trachemys callirostris | Colombian slider |
Trachemys taylori | Cuatro Cienegas slider |
Trachemys decussata | Cuban slider |
Trachemys dorbigni | D’Orbigny’s slider |
Trachemys decorate | Haitian slider |
Trachemys terrapin | Jamaican slider |
Trachemys adiutrix | Maranhão slider |
Trachemys venusta | Meso-American slider |
Trachemys emolli | Nicaraguan slider |
Trachemys ornate | Ornate slider |
Trachemys yaquia | Yaqui slider |
Types of Turtles: 61-80/ 351 Turtle Species
Scientific Name | Common Name |
Batagur trivittata | Burmese roofed turtle |
Batagur baska | Northern River terrapin |
Batagur borneoensis | Painted terrapin or Saw-jawed turtle |
Batagur kachuga | Red-crowned roofed turtle |
Batagur affinis | Southern River terrapin |
Batagur dhongoka | Three-striped roofed turtle |
Geoclemys hamiltonii | Black Pond turtle or Spotted Pond turtle |
Hardella thurjii | Brahminy river turtle or Crowned River turtle |
Morenia ocellata | Bengal eyed terrapin |
Morenia petersi | Indian eyed turtle |
Pangshura sylhetensis | Assam roofed turtle |
Pangshura smithii | Brown roofed turtle |
Pangshura tecta | Indian roofed turtle |
Pangshura tentoria | Indian tent turtle |
Chinemys megalocephala | Chinese broad-headed pond turtle |
Chinemys reevesii | Chinese pond turtle |
Chinemys nigricans | Red-necked Pond turtle |
Cuora amboinensis | Amboina box turtle |
Cuora trifasciata | Chinese three-striped box turtle or Golden coin turtle |
Cuora galbinifrons | Indochinese (flower back) box turtle |
Types of Turtles: 81-100/ 351 Turtle Species
Scientific Name | Comon Name |
Cuora mccordi | McCord’s box turtle |
Cuora pani | Pan’s box turtle |
Cuora picturata | Southern Vietnamese box turtle |
Cuora cyclornata | Vietnamese three-striped box turtle |
Cuora flavomarginata | Yellow-margined box turtle, Chinese box turtle or Snake-eating turtle |
Cuora yunnanensis | Yunnan box turtle |
Cuora zhoui | Zhou’s box turtle |
Cyclemys dentate | Asian leaf turtle |
Cyclemys gemeli | Assam leaf turtle |
Cyclemys pulchristiata | Eastern black-bridged leaf turtle |
Cyclemys enigmatica | Enigmatic leaf turtle |
Cyclemys fusca | Myanmar brown leaf turtle |
Cyclemys oldhamii | Oldham’s leaf turtle |
Cyclemys atripons | Western black-bridged leaf turtle |
Geoemyda spengleri | Black-breasted hill turtle |
Geoemyda japonica | Ryukyu black-breasted leaf turtle |
Leucocephalon yuwonoi | Sulawesi Forest turtle |
Heosemys depressa | Arakan forest turtle |
Malayemys macrocepbalsa | Malayan snail-eating turtle |
Heosemys grandis | Giant Asian Pond turtle |
Types of Turtles: 101-120/ 351 Turtle Species
Scientific Name | Common Name |
Mauremys caspica | Caspian turtle or Striped-neck terrapin |
Mauremys japonica | Japanese pond turtle |
Mauremys leprosa | Spanish pond turtle |
Heosemys spinosa | Spiny turtle |
Heosemys annandalii | Yellow-headed temple turtle |
Mauremys rivulata | Balkan Pond turtle/Balkan terrapin |
Mauremys annamensis | Vietnamese pond turtle or Annam leaf turtle |
Mauremys mutica | Yellow pond turtle |
Melanochelys trijuga | Indian black turtle |
Melanochelys tricarinata | Tricarinate hill turtle |
Notochelys platynota | Malayan flat-shelled turtle |
Ocadia sinensis | Chinese Stripe-necked Turtle |
Ocadia glyphistoma | |
Ocadia philippeni | Philippen’s striped turtle |
Orlitia borneensis | Malaysian giant turtle or Bornean River turtle |
Pyxidea mouhotii | Keeled box turtle |
Rhinoclemmys funereal | Black River turtle |
Rhinoclemmys annulata | Brown wood turtle |
Rhinoclemmys melanosterna | Colombian wood turtle |
Rhinoclemmys areolate | Furrowed wood turtle |
Types of Turtles: 121-140/ 351 Turtle Species
Scientific Name | Common Name |
Rhinoclemmys nasuta | Large-nosed wood turtle |
Rhinoclemmys diademata | Maracaibo wood turtle |
Rhinoclemmys rubida | Mexican spotted wood turtle |
Rhinoclemmys pulcherrima | Painted wood turtle |
Rhinoclemmys punctularia | Spot-legged turtle |
Sacalia bealei | Beal’s eyed turtle or Beal’s four-eyed turtle |
Sacalia pseudocellata | Chinese false-eyed turtle |
Sacalia quadriocellata | Four-eyed turtle |
Siebenrockiella crassicollis | Black marsh turtle |
Siebenrockiella leytensis | Philippine Forest turtle |
Vijayachelys sylvatica | Cochin Forest cane turtle |
Aldabrachelys gigantean | Aldabra giant tortoise |
Aldabrachelys gigantea | Arnold’s giant tortoise |
Aldabrachelys gigantea | Seychelles giant tortoise |
Astrochelys radiate | Radiated tortoise |
Astrochelys yniphora | Angulated tortoise or Madagascan(plowshare) tortoise |
Chelonoidis nigra | Galapagos giant tortoise |
Chelonoidis chilensis | Argentine tortoise or Chilean tortoise |
Chelonoidis denticulate | Brazilian giant tortoise or Yellow-footed tortoise |
Chelonoidis petersi | Chaco tortoise |
Types of Turtles: 141-180/ 351 Turtle Species
Scientific Name | Common Name |
Chelonoidis carbonaria | Red-footed tortoise |
Chersina angulate | Bowsprit tortoise |
Geochelone sulcate | African spurred tortoise or Sulcata tortoise |
Geochelone platynota | Burmese star tortoise |
Geochelone elegans | Indian star tortoise |
Homopus areolatus | Beaked cape tortoise or Parrot-beaked cape tortoise |
Homopus bergeri | Berger’s cape tortoise or Nama padloper |
Homopus boulengeri | Boulenger’s cape tortoise |
Homopus femoralis | Karroo cape tortoise |
Homopus signatus | Speckled cape tortoise or Speckled padlope |
Indotestudo elongate | Elongated tortoise |
Indotestudo forstenii | Travancore tortoise or Forsten’s tortoise |
Indotestudo travancorica | Travancore tortoise |
Kinixys belliana | Bell’s hinged-back tortoise |
Kinixys homeana | Home’s hinge-back tortoise |
Kinixys lobatsiana | Lobatse hinge-back tortoise |
Kinixys natalensis | Natal hinge-back tortoise |
Kinixys erosa | Serrated hinge-back tortoise |
Kinixys spekii | Speke’s hinge-back tortoise |
Malacochersus tornieri | Pancake tortoise |
Types of Turtles: 181-200/ 351 Turtle Species
Psammobates tentorius | African tent tortoise |
Psammobates geometricus | Geometric tortoise |
Psammobates oculifer | Serrated star tortoise |
Pyxis planicauda | Madagascan flat-tailed tortoise |
Pyxis arachnoides | Madagascan spider tortoise |
Stigmochelys pardalis | Leopard tortoise |
Testudo hermanni | Herman’s tortoise |
Testudo marginata | Marginated tortoise |
Testudo kleinmanni | Egyptian tortoise |
Testudo graeca | Greek tortoise or Spur-thighed tortoise |
Testudo horsfieldii | Russian tortoise, Horsfield’s tortoise or Central Asian tortoise |
Gopherus agassizii | Desert tortoise |
Gopherus flavomarginatus | Bolson tortoise |
Gopherus Polyphemus | Gopher tortoise |
Gopherus berlandieri | Texas tortoise |
Manouria emys | Brown tortoise or Mountain tortoise |
Manouria impressa | Impressed tortoise |
Carettochelys insculpta | Pig-nosed turtle |
Dermatemys mawii | Central American river turtle or Mesoamerican river turtle |
Kinosternon alamosae | Alamos mud turtle |
Kinosternon arizonense | Arizona mud turtle |
Kinosternon angustipons | Central American mud turtle |
Kinosternon creaseri | Creaser’s mud turtle |
Kinosternon dunni | Dunn’s mud turtle |
Kinosternon durangoense | Durango mud turtle |
Kinosternon subrubrum | Eastern mud turtle |
Kinosternon integrum | Guanajuato mud turtle |
Kinosternon herrerai | Herrara’s mud turtle |
Kinosternon chimalhuaca | Jalisco mud turtle |
Kinosternon hirtipes | Mexican mud turtle |
Kinosternon oaxacae | Oaxaca mud turtle |
Kinosternon scorpioides | Scorpion mud turtle |
Kinosternon sonoriense | Sonora mud turtle |
Kinosternon baurii | Striped mud turtle |
Kinosternon acutum | Tabasco mud turtle |
Kinosternon leucostomum | White-lipped mud turtle |
Kinosternon flavescens | Yellow mud turtle |
Sternotherus odoratus | Common musk turtle or Stinkpot |
Sternotherus depressus | Flattened musk turtle |
Sternotherus minor | Loggerhead musk turtle |
Sternotherus carinatus | Razorback musk turtle |
Claudius angustatus | Narrow-bridged musk turtle |
Staurotypus salvinii | Chiapas giant musk turtle |
Staurotypus triporcatus | Mexican giant musk turtle |
Cyclanorbis elegans | Nubian flap shell turtle |
Cyclanorbis senegalensis | Senegal flap shell turtle |
Chelus fimbriatus | Mata-mata or Matamata |
Cycloderma aubryi | Aubry’s flap shell turtle |
Cycloderma frenatum | Zambezi flap shell turtle |
Lissemys punctate | Indian flap shell turtle |
Lissemys scutata | Burmese flap shell turtle |
Amyda cartilaginea | Asiatic softshell turtle |
Amyda nakornsrithammarajensis | |
Apalone ferox | Florida softshell turtle |
Apalone mutica | Smooth softshell turtle |
Apalone spinifera | Spiny softshell turtle |
Chitra chitra | Asian narrow-headed softshell turtle |
Chitra chitra | Siamese narrow-headed softshell turtle |
Chitra chitra | Javanese narrow-headed softshell turtle |
Chitra indica | Indian narrow-headed shelled turtle |
Chitra vandijki | Burmese narrow-headed softshell turtle |
Dogania subplana | Malayan soft-shelled turtle |
Nilssonia Formosa | Burmese softshell turtle |
Nilssonia gangetica | Ganges softshell turtle |
Nilssonia hurum | Peacock softshell turtle |
Nilssonia leithii | Nagpur softshell turtle |
Nilssonia nigricans | Black softshell turtle |
Palea steindachneri | Wattle-necked softshell turtle |
Pelochelys bibroni | New Guinea giant softshell turtle |
Pelochelys cantorii | Cantor’s giant softshell turtle |
Pelochelys signifera | Northern New Guinea giant softshell turtle |
Pelodiscus sinensis | Chinese softshell turtle |
Pelodiscus axenaria | Hunan softshell turtle |
Pelodiscus piriformis | Lesser Chinese softshell turtle |
Pelodiscus maackii | Northern Chinese softshell turtle |
Rafetus euphraticus | Euphrates softshell turtle |
Rafetus swinhoei | Yangtze giant softshell turtle |
Trionyx triunguis | African softshell turtle or Nile softshell turtle |
Chelodina burrungandjii | Arnhem land long neck turtle |
Chelodina expansa | Broad-shelled turtle |
Chelodina canni | Cann’s snake-neck turtle |
Chelodina longicollis | Eastern long-necked turtle |
Macrodiremys colliei | Narrow-breasted snake-necked turtle |
Chelodina novaeguineae | New Guinea snake-necked turtle |
Chelodina rugose | Northern long-necked turtle |
Chelodina parkeri | Parker’s snake-necked Turtle |
Chelodina pritchardi | Pritchard’s snake-necked turtle |
Chelodina reimanni | Reimann’s snake-necked turtle |
Chelodina mccordi | Roti Island snake-necked turtle |
Chelodina steindachneri | Steindachner’s snake-neck Turtle |
Elseya branderhorstii | Branderhorst’s snapping turtle |
Elseya lavarackorum | Gulf snapping turtle |
Elseya irwini | Irwin’s turtle |
Elseya dentate | Northern snapping turtle |
Elseya albagula | White throated Snapping turtle |
Emydura macquarii | Macquarie turtle |
Emydura tanybaraga | Northern yellow-faced turtle |
Emydura subglobosa | Red-bellied short-necked turtle or Jardine river turtle |
Emydura victoriae | Victoria river red-faced turtle |
Elusor macrurus | Mary River turtle |
Myuchelys georgesi | Bellinger river snapping turtle |
Myuchelys purvisi | Manning river snapping turtle |
Myuchelys belli | Namoi river snapping turtle |
Myuchelys novaeguineae | New Guinea snapping turtle |
Myuchelys latisternum | Saw-shelled turtle |
Pseudemydura umbrina | Western swamp tortoise |
Rheodytes leukops | Fitzroy River Turtle |
Acanthochelys macrocephala | Big-headed pantanal swamp turtle |
Acanthochelys spixii | Black spine-neck swamp turtle |
Acanthochelys radiolata | Brazilian radiolated swamp turtle |
Acanthochelys pallidipectoris | Chaco side-necked turtle |
Mesoclemmys raniceps | Amazon toad-headed turtle |
Mesoclemmys dahli | Dahl’s toad-headed turtle |
Mesoclemmys gibba | Gibba turtle |
Mesoclemmys hogei | Hoge’s side-necked turtle |
Mesoclemmys heliostemma | Toadhead turtle |
Mesoclemmys nasuta | Common Toadheaded Turtle |
Mesoclemmys perplexa | Piaui Side-necked Turtle |
Mesoclemmys tuberculate | Tuberculate toad-headed turtle |
Mesoclemmys vanderhaege | Vanderhaege’s toad-headed turtle |
Mesoclemmys zuliae | Zulia toad-headed turtle |
Phrynops tubersosus | Cotinga river toadhead turtle |
Phrynops geoffroanus | Geoffroy’s side-necked turtle |
Phrynops hilarii | Hilaire’s side-necked turtle |
Phrynops williamsi | Williams’ side-necked turtle |
Platemys platycephala | Twist-necked turtle |
Rhinemys rufipes | Red side-necked turtle |
Hydromedusa tectifera | Argentine snake-necked turtle |
Hydromedusa maximiliani | Brazilian snake-necked turtle |
Pelomedusa subrufa | African helmeted turtle or Marsh terrapin |
Pelusios adansonii | Adanson’s mud turtle |
Pelusios nanus | African dwarf mud turtle |
Pelusios gabonensis | African forest turtle |
Pelusios carinatus | African keeled mud turtle |
Pelusios chapini | Central African mud turtle |
Pelusios subniger | East African black mud turtle |
Pelusios marani | Gabon mud turtle |
Pelusios bechuanicus | Okavango mud turtle |
Pelusios sinuatus | Serrated hinged terrapin |
Pelusios broadleyi | Turkana mud turtle |
Upemba mud turtle | |
Pelusios upembae | |
Pelusios rhodesianus | Variable mud turtle |
Pelusios niger | West African black turtle |
Pelusios castaneus | West African mud turtle |
Pelusios williamsi | Williams mud Turtle |
Pelusios castanoides | Yellow-bellied mud turtle |
Erymnochelys madagascariensis | Madagascan big-headed turtle |
Peltocephalus dumerilianus | Big-headed Amazon River turtle |
Podocnemis unifilis | Yellow-spotted Amazon river turtle o |
Podocnemis expansa | Arrau river turtle or Charapa turtle |
Podocnemis erythrocephala | Red-headed Amazon side-necked turtle |
Podocnemis lewyana | Rio Magdalena river turtle |
Podocnemis vogli | Savanna side-necked turtle |
Podocnemis sextuberculata | Six-tubercled Amazon river turtle |
Actinemys marmorata | Pacific pond turtle |
Aldabrachelys arnoldi | Arnold’s tortoise |
Aldabrachelys dussumieri | Giant Aldabra tortoise |
Aldabrachelys hololissa | Holoissa tortoise |
Batrachemys dahli | Dahl’s toad-headed turtle |
Centrochely sulcate | African spurred tortoise |
Chersina angulate | Angulated tortoise |
Graptemys nigrinoda | Black-nobbed map turtle |
Indotestudo fortenii | Forsten’ tortoise |
Kachuga dhongoka | Three-striped roof turtle |
Kachuga kachuga | Red-crowned roof turtle |
Macrochelodina burrungandjii | Arnhem Land snake-necked turtle |
Macrochelodina expansa | Broad-shelled snake-necked turtle |
Macrochelodina kuchlingi | Kuchling’s long-necked turtle |
Macrochelodina parkeri | Parker’s long-necked turtle |
Macrochelodina rugose | Northern snaked-necked turtle |
Macrochelodina walloyarrina | Kimberley long-necked turtle |
Pelusios sinuatus | East African serrated mud turtle |
Sacalia quadricellata | Four-eyed turtle |
Vijayachelys sylvatica | Cochin cane forest turtle |
Trachemys ventusa | Meso-american slider turtle |
Trachemys terrapin | Jamaican slider turtle |
Testudo rustamovi | Turkmenian stepped tortoise |
Testudo kazachstanica | Kazachstan steppe tortoise |
Rheodytes rufapes | Red toad-headed turtle |
Ranacephala hogei | Hoge’s toad-headed turtle |
Scientific Name | Common Name |
Pelodiscus maackii | Amur softshell turtle |
Pangshura sylhetensis | Assam roofed turtle |
Malacocbersus | African pancake tortoise |
Macrodiremys oblonga | Narrow-brested snake-necked turtle |
Cycloderma frenatum | Zambezi flap-shelled turtle |
Cyclemys fusca | Dusky leaf turtle |
Chelonoidis denticulate | Yellowfoot tortoise |
Chelonidis chilensis | Patagonian tortoise |
Aspideretes leithii | Leith softshell turtle |
Batrachemys nasutus | Guianan toad-headed turtle |
Elseya jukesi | Jukes’ snapping turtle |
Turtles are a diverse group of creatures. We can see that there are many different turtle species all with varied characteristics. Some turtles’ species are highly endangered hence need our protection.