Ever wondered how many types of spider monkeys there are on this planet?
Spider monkeys belong to genus Atele which contains 7 species and 7 sub-species as listed below:
- Red-faced spider monkey, Ateles paniscus
- Peruvian spider monkey, Ateles chamek
- Brown spider monkey, Ateles hybridus
- White-fronted spider monkey, Ateles belzebuth
- White-cheeked spider monkey, Ateles marginatus
- Black-headed spider monkey, Ateles fusciceps
- Brown-headed spider monkey, Ateles fusciceps fusciceps
- Colombian spider monkey, Ateles fusciceps rufiventris
- Geoffroy’s spider monkey, Ateles geoffroyi
- Hooded spider monkey Ateles geoffroyi grisescens
- Yucatan spider monkey, Ateles geoffroyi yucatanensis
- Mexican spider monkey, Ateles geoffroyi vellerosus
- Nicaraguan spider monkey, Ateles geoffroyi geoffroyi
- Ornate spider monkey, Ateles geoffroyi ornatus
Now, let’s take a deeper look into these different types of spider monkeys.
1. Red-faced spider monkey

- Appearance – Long, black sleek hair and a red or pink bare face with few white hairs around the nose and chin
- Weight – 8.4 to 9kg
- Head to body length – 55 to 56cm
- Habitat – Undisturbed dense primary rainforests in northern South America
- Diet – Omnivores feeding mainly on nuts, seeds, fruits, insects, and leaves
- Average Lifespan – 34 to 46 years
The red-faced spider monkey is also known as the red-faced black spider monkey or the Guiana spider monkey. They are the largest of the spider monkey species. Red-faced spider monkeys are arboreal and spend 90% of their time in the upper canopy forest areas.
2. White-fronted spider monkey

- Appearance – Pale or white triangular patch on the head, dorsal side ranges in black, dark, or light brown colors while the ventral side ranges pale brown to white.
- Weight – 5.9 to 10.4 kg
- Head to body length – 34 to 59cm
- Habitat – Lowland and montane forests
- Diet – Herbivores feeding mainly on nuts, tree sap, seeds, fruits, and leaves
- Average Lifespan – 30 to 40 years
The white-fronted spider monkey is also known as the white-bellied or long-haired spider monkey. They are native to the northeastern lowland and montane Amazonian forests of Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Brazil, and Peru.
3. Peruvian spider monkey
- Appearance – Have a black face and are covered by black fur
- Weight – 7 to 9kg
- Head to body length – 70cm
- Habitat – Lowland forests
- Diet – Omnivores as they eat figs, fruits, berries, flowers, honey, birds, insects, termites, and frogs
- Average Lifespan – 20 to 48 years
Peruvian spider monkeys are also known as black-faced black spider monkeys. As their name suggests they inhabit Peru, as well as Bolivia and Brazil. Peruvian spider monkeys have the following traits:
4. Brown spider monkey

- Appearance – Light to dark brown furs with the inner parts of their arms and legs being lighter as compared to the rest of the body. Some have distinctive triangle patches on the forehead.
- Weight – 7.5 to 9kg
- Head to body length – 50cm
- Habitat – Sub-tropical, tropical rainforests, riverine, marsh, and semi-deciduous forests
- Diet – Omnivores feeding mainly on fruits, flowers, seeds, bark, honey, insects, eggs, and leaves
- Average Lifespan – 27 to 40 years
They are also known as the Variegated spider monkey. Brown spider monkeys are native to northern Colombia and some areas of Venezuela.
The brown spider monkey is one of the most endangered species of spider monkeys. This is mainly caused by deforestation and logging. Deforestation causes a shortage in food availability. [1]
5. White-cheeked spider monkey
- Appearance – dark brown or black with white hair on their chin and forehead. They also have signature white cheeks.
- Weight – 5.8 kg
- Head to body length – 34 to 51cm
- Habitat – Lowland rainforests
- Diet – Omnivores enjoying fruits, leaves, flowers, seeds, roots, honey, and occasionally small insects.
- Average Lifespan – 20 years
White-cheeked spider monkeys are also referred to as white-whiskered spider monkeys. They are native to the Amazon basin in central Brazil.
6. Black-headed spider monkey

Black-headed spider monkeys are native to Colombia, Ecuador and Panama. They have two subspecies that vary in color patterns. The two subspecies of the black-headed spider monkeys are;
- Brown-headed spider monkey
- Colombian spider monkey
Brown-headed spider monkey
- Appearance- brownish-black body with a brown head. They have thick coats
- Weight – 9kg
- Head to body length – 40 to 55cm
- Habitat – Undisturbed dense primary rainforests in northern South America. Native to Panama, Ecuador, and Colombia
- Diet – Omnivores feeding on nuts, seeds, fruits, insects, eggs, and leaves
- Average Lifespan – 24 years in the wild
Colombian spider monkey
- Appearance – Black body with some white color on its chin
- Weight – 8.4 to 9kg
- Head to body length – 55 to 56cm
- Habitat – dry, cloud, and humid rainforests. They are mostly found in the humid areas of Colombia and Panama.
- Diet – Omnivores enjoying nuts, seeds, fruits, insects, and leaves
- Average Lifespan – 24 years in the wild
7. Geoffroy’s spider monkey

Geoffroy’s spider monkeys are native to Central America, mainly in Belize, Mexico, Honduras, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Guatemala. They are also known as black-handed spider monkeys. The Geoffroy’s spider monkey has 5 subspecies which are:
- Hooded spider monkey
- Yucatan spider monkey
- Mexican spider monkey
- Nicaraguan spider monkey
- Ornate spider monkey.
Let us have a quick look at these subspecies below.
Hooded spider monkey
The hooded spider monkeys are a subspecies of Geoffroy’s spider monkeys. They are native to Panama but have also been discovered in some areas of Colombia.
- Appearance – Red, rust, buff, black or brown
- Weight – 6 to 9kg
- Head to body length – 30 to 63cm
- Habitat – Rainforests, mangrove, and semi-deciduous forests
- Diet – Omnivores enjoying fruits, nuts, seeds, insects, and leaves
- Average Lifespan – Can live up to 33 years
Yucatan spider monkey
Apart from the Yucatán Peninsula, these monkeys can be found in northern Guatemala, and Belize. Some of their main characteristics are:
- Appearance – Covered in black hair that is bristly and often matted. They also have a tan color around their eyes, whiskers, chin, and head area.
- Weight – 9kg
- Head to body length – 55 to 56cm
- Habitat – evergreen and semi-evergreen broad-leaved forests, mixed needle-leaved and broad-leaved forests, deciduous and semi-deciduous broad-leaved forests, mangroves, and swamps
- Diet – Omnivores feeding on nuts, seeds, fruits, insects, and leaves, eggs, and insects
- Average Lifespan – 25 to 35 years
Mexican spider monkey
Mexican spider monkeys are mostly found in the Southern Mexican states of Tabasco, Yucatan, Veracruz, Oaxaca, Chiapas, and Quintana Roo. They have also been seen in Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, and Honduras. Their main features are:
- Appearance – Brownish- black or black coat on the upper body areas while the underside is mostly lighter with yellowish-white, silver-white, or golden-brown colors
- Weight – 7.3 to 7.8kg
- Head to body length – 47cm
- Habitat – Lowland tropical forests, dry deciduous forests, and mangrove forests
- Diet – Omnivores feeding on fruits, flowers, leaves, and insects
- Average Lifespan – 25 to 47 years
Nicaraguan spider monkey
Nicaraguan spider monkeys are mainly found in northern Nicaragua and some parts of northwestern Costa Rica. [2]
They are coined black-handed spider monkeys due to their black hands and feet.
- Appearance – Silvery to brownish-gray on the back, upper arms, and thighs. Hands and feet are black while the lower abdomen is golden.
- Weight – 6 to 9kg
- Head to body length – 30 to 63cm
- Habitat- Coastal lowlands
- Diet – Omnivores who eat fruits, flowers, bark, leaves, nuts, seeds, insects, and eggs
- Average Lifespan – 34 to 46 years
Ornate spider monkey
- Appearance – Have a golden back and underside but their head, face, forearms, and outer legs are black.
- Weight – 7 to 8kg
- Head to body length – 42 to 57cm
- Habitat – Primary forests, lowland, and mangrove forests.
- Diet- Herbivores feeding mainly on fruits, flowers, stems, and leaves
- Average Lifespan – 25 to 40 years
These monkeys also go by the names Azuero spider monkey, brilliant spider monkey, and the common spider monkey. They are found in Panama, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica.
Spider monkeys are an interesting bunch of creatures that adore undisturbed forest areas where they can swing happily from tree to tree. Most of the spider monkey species are endangered due to heavy deforestation. We need to protect these beautiful animals as they depend on trees for their livelihood.
Did you know that spider monkeys got their name from their signature look, like spiders as they hang upside down from their tails with arms and legs dangling? Now you know 😊
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