How Long Do Betta Fish Live? (In Captivity & the Wild)

Average Lifespan of a Betta Fish

Have you ever wondered how long Betta fish live for?

Here is a summary;

Betta fish have an average lifespan of 2 -5 years in captivity

In captivity, they live approximately 1 to 2 two years longer than those in the wild.

These beautiful fish go by several names, each describing their appearance and personality traits.

Betta splendens is their scientific name. It means beautiful warrior, describing its attractive appearance and aggressive nature.

In this next section, we will get into the details of the lifespan of betta fish specifically;

  • How long do betta fish live in the wild and in captivity?
  • Do they make good pets
  • How long can they live without food

Average Lifespan of a Betta Fish

On average, Betta fish have a lifespan of 2 – 5 years.

Their lifespan, however, varies based on a number of factors such as their habitat.

Bettas in captivity typically tend to have a longer lifespan than bettas in the wild.

Although male bettas are preferred for their bright colors, female bettas have been found to live a few months longer than most males

Male species are extremely aggressive and cannot cohabit with other fish species. Female species although aggressive, are more social.

Their aggressive nature is attributed to intimidation from fish with longer fins, larger tails, and brighter colors; protecting their bubble nests; and guarding the minimum food supply in their territory.

The Betta fish are also known as the “Siamese fighting fish” referencing its native origin (Southeast Asia) as well as its fighting nature.

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How Long Do Betta Fish Live In the Wild?

yellow betta fish, how long do betta fish live?

On average, Bettas live for around 2 years in the wild.

Bettas in the wild are native to South East Asia countries specifically Cambodia, Brazil, Thailand, Singapore, and Malaysia.

In their natural habitat, Bettas are found in shallow waters such as rice paddies, canals, streams, and ponds.

Bettas face several threats in the wild that attribute to a shorter lifespan as compared to those in captivity.

Male bettas have a shorter lifespan that the female because of their territorial and aggressive nature, They therefore get into more fights which increases their chances of dying.

In Thailand, Betta fish are exposed to a lot of pollution from farming expansion and development efforts.

Pollution destroys food sources and plants which leads to a loss of habitat for the Betta Fish and diminished food sources reducing their lifespan. Because of these adverse effects, Beta fish have been classified as a vulnerable species on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. [1]

How Long Do Betta Fish Live In A Tank And Bowl?

how long do betta fish live in a tank?

A key factor affecting the length of a betta fish`s lifespan is its environment.

Bettas living in good tank conditions can live for up to 6 years.

In a bowl, betta fish can live for about 3 – 4 months. They do not do very well in a bowl.

Keeping Betta fish in a bowl significantly reduces their lifespan since the bowls are too small to allow for their normal activities i.e. swimming and hiding behavior.

Instead of bowls, betta fish should be housed in plastic or glass tanks ideally of 5 gallons or larger.

Having a larger environment encourages the normal activities of betta fish and additionally reduces the buildup of toxins in their environment.

Their tanks can be decorated with plants, rocks, or caves to keep the betta fish active and prevent them from getting bored.

It’s however important to ensure that these decorations do not take too much of the betta`s space to swim and explore.

Betta owners also need to ensure that these decorations do not have sharp edges which can damage and tear their delicate fins.

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How Long Do Betta Fish Live Without Food

Betta fish can go for 10 to 14 days without food they will enter into starvation mode by the 10th to 14th day utilizing their fat reserves to self-sustain.

Betta fish are carnivorous and their diet mostly consists of a mix of foods such as bloodworms, mosquito larvae, Mysis and brine shrimp as well as pellets/flakes to meet their nutritional needs.

Betta babies are commonly referred to as fry typically feed on nutrients from their egg sack for the first day. Following this, they`ll need to be fed 3 to 4 smaller feedings per day.

Betta babies can go for 3 days without food and 48 hours after hatching. Because of their young age, they are relatively vulnerable and can die prematurely if their needs aren’t met.

Other factors that come to play when leaving a beta fish without food are their age, metabolism, and general health.

A mature betta fish for instance might have more fat reserves to rely on when going for a long period. These factors collectively contribute to the varied response each beta will have to live without food.

Are Betta Fish Good Pets?

Are you considering getting a Betta fish? Then watch this first before you finish the read.

Betta fish make for great pets especially for first-time owners. This is because they are relatively low-cost and easy to maintain seeing that they can go for days without food.

They also require a relatively smaller space compared to most pets and can be left home alone. Of course, their attractive and interesting personality is a plus!

As a potential betta fish owner, you will need to consider the initial cost that includes buying a tank, filter, and other materials to provide optimal living conditions for betta fish before acquiring one.

You will also need to consider the fact that Betta fish do not coexist well with most creatures and are not the best if the owner needs contact with the pet.

Fun Facts about Betta Fish

Did you know?

  • Betta fish can breathe above water since they possess an organ known as a labyrinth that allows them to breathe oxygen directly from the air.
  • There are over 70 species of Betta fish existing in the wild and because of the selective breeding of bettas with unique traits, the variety of existing betta fish keeps increasing.
  • Some betta owners engage in the betta fish fighting sport. Years ago, Asian betta owners intentionally bred betta fish who showed particularly aggressive personalities creating a generation of aggressive fighting fish. [2]

All factors considered, owning a betta fish makes for a unique, attractive, and entertaining friend.

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